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This Shiny App was developed to create Age-dependent Reference Intervals (AdRI) using different methods LMS, GAMLSS, Window-Methods and Regression.

* **Warning! This Shiny App has not been enough validated for the basis of a medical diagnosis! There is no warranty for the app and/or the reference intervals! ***

Reference Intervals are established using the central 95% range of measurements, defined by the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles. The CLSI guideline recommends a minimum sample size of 120.

The distribution of the data for the LMS-Method is selected from the Box-Cox Cole & Green Distribution (BCCG), Box-Cox Power Exponential Distribution (BCPE) or Box-Cox t-Distribution (BCT) and for GAMLSS additionally the Normal-Distribution (NO) and Log-Normal-Distribution (LOGNO). The models are created with the package gamlss. The GAMLSS Models have different additive terms for smoothing. Currently four Window-Methods are available: regular Windows, Windows with age groups from a Decision Tree or given age groups from the Laboratory Information Systems (LIS) and the Sliding Window-Method with different sizes. There are also four types of Regressions. The Decision Tree from rpart for age-portioning has two hyperparameters minsplit and cp. minsplit stands for the minimum number of observations that must exist in a node in order for a split to be attempted and cp represents a complexity parameter. Sometimes it can make sense to lower the cp for increased age dependency and more age groups.

Link to the publication: A visualization tool for continuous reference intervals based on GAMLSS