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About me 🌼


My name is Sandra and I was a student at the TU Braunschweig (Master of Biology, finished Sept 2020) with a focus on Bioinformatics. A broad and interesting field that brings new challenges every day! 🌱🔬

I am particularly interested in age-dependent reference intervals. I have developed Shiny Apps on this topic:

I have been working on a Shiny App for processing data from the FreeSurfer program for analysing MRI images of the brain (see ShinySurfer). At work I use databases and SQL to create various GUIs in C# (.NET Framework) and data analysis 💻. In my free time I look at some HTML, CSS and Javascript to create websites and learn Python 🌎. Over time, I have gained a lot of experience in data science, software development and machine learning.

Here is a list of my projects and publications.

📫 How to reach me: You can leave me a message via GitHub Discussion!

“Essentially, all models are wrong, but some are useful” - George E.P. Box